CRC CARES Members Grow Mustaches to Raise Awareness about Men’s Health Issues

Back by popular demand, CRC CARES members across multiple offices participated in Movember. Organized by the Movember Foundation, nearly 15 of our own grew mustaches during the month of November to change the face of men’s health.  


When asked about their mustaches, CRC CARES members were given a platform to talk about some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health, and physical inactivity.

In order to participate in Movember, men and women alike were invited to sign up on the CRC CARES Movember page and create individual profiles. Participants utilized this space to share their reasons for partaking in Movember and feature photos of themselves or loved ones affected by men’s health issues. Individual profiles were also shareable, allowing participants to easily raise awareness and money for the cause.


Although the Movember Foundation is most closely associated with the month of November , the organization works hard year-long to ensure men live happier, healthier, and longer lives. With CRC CARES and many other dedicated participants, they have raised $650 million since 2003 to fund over 1,000 projects dedicated to this mission. 


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